Click Here For Hoe It Up Sims 4 stripper mod: Level 5: The last level has to be the most intimate lap dance, which involves two luscious dance blows with touching.You will receive $2500 at the finish of the dance. Level 4: Here again, you have to perform two inviting dance moves that include touching and intimacy.Moreover, you will receive $2000 at the end. This level has to involve more intimacy than before. Level 3: Now, you have to display two inviting dance moves that don’t have to be goofy or inappropriate.Moreover, you will get $1500 at the end of the lap dance. Level 2: Again, you will have to perform three seductive moves, and some of them have to be inappropriately goofy ones.Also, you will get $1000 at the end of the dance. Level 1: In this level, your Sim will perform three seductive moves, and some of them will be goofy ones.